Friday, 28 May 2010

Stephen Shore influence

I First looked at Stephen shores work in a lecture in uni. I didnt know really what to make out of his work other than it was sure that he photographed things as it was in america and now bacause i look at it and see that all his work has a date of histoy due to the time he taken the photograph. I think the work i done in liverpool is simular and does have a type of style to his. When taking photographs in liverpool i wasnt thinkinag about the style or the work of Stephen Shore but after paying mor attention to his photography i seen a resebalince right away.

Stephen Shore
Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, California, June 21, 1975

Ryan Williams (me)
The docks. Liverpool. May 2010

The photograph i taken above has a lot more colour and tones but i can tell the to are very simular. The angle of my camera and also it is portrait view had a differnece but you can see what i mean. 

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