Thursday 3 March 2011

fashion shoot

This is a shoot I done in moss side. I drive past this location everyday on my way to university and when I come home. I kept noticing this location and thinking that it would be a great place to use as a location. I boult up the courage to go and see the owner to this location and to ask him if I could go on his property and use it as a location for my fashion assignment. The owner said yes and told his son who worked with him to take me to the location so I can get a better look at the area and the car. I fell in love with this location but was unsure on were and how the lighting would work and be placed. The owners son Kieran was interested in why I wanted to photograph this car and couldn't understand why something that he called scrap I call a great photographic location. I told Kieran I am after abandoned buildings and places for this fashion assignment and he said he new lots of places and he could show me but I would need to keep up with him as he drives really fast. I got in my car and followed him, I found it really difficult to keep up with him as he said he new the roads like the back of his hands. Kieran shown me some locations that i never new existed and I was shocked as I found out there was a prison near by. 

This location when organising the model and started to get in the flow of directing and working with my model I started to notice that my photography was getting better and as my assistant was helping me then the shoot just went from good to great!

The model I had is names Sain, She was such a great model as it was her 1st time and she was great in terms of communicating and keeping in contact. Sain was freezing at this shoot as it was a cold and windy  day. Sain lives in Liverpool and I we agreed to meet at Southport station for 11am. I didn't realise she was driving and when she arrived I had to think about where she was going to park her car. In the end Sain followed me to my girlfriends house were she could leave her car and then we went to the location in my car.

I had George as my assistant and he was brilliant to work with as he helped me carry the lighting and help me set everything up.

This was all done on my Nikon d700 with a Nikkor 20mm standard lens and we used one light with a umberella to soften the light. George placed the light where ever I asked him. Sometimes we placed the light in the car, on top of the car and we even tried lift it high to get a sort of low key shot from a light souse from above .

This photograph above was taken to see if the flash was on and it shows the model and my assistant for the day who at the time was George.

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