Saturday, 21 November 2009

Digital Darkroom - Using the white balance slider in Lightroom

Using the white balance slider in Lightroom to get one grey balance and one warm version of one of my own photographs.

(One grey balanced)
One grey balance using Lightroom

Here is how it was done:

The white balance temperature on this photograph above shows its on 7104 and looks much more dark and doesn't look as cool.

To get the grey balance i clicked on the greyscale and the photograph turned grey automatically then i changed the white balance temperature down to 3250 to give it that cold look.


This is the same shot but this time it was on a higher white balance temperature of 13792.
This means that the bottle looks more worm.
This shot below was in colour and i changed this by clicking on the option below the histogram were it says colour.

this photograph below is the same one as above but it shows you what it looks like when i click grayscale.
(One Cool)

The next shot this time has more of a cool look to it. By changing the white balance temperature to 6688 made it look cool and the back ground a lot more whiter. It doesn't look much different to the shot above but you can notice it by the shadow at the bottom right hand side of the photograph. (One cool Shot)

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